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Woodbury Car Accident Attorneys

woodbury minnesota car accident attorneys - sand law llc - personal injury law firm

Experienced Car Accident Attorneys in Woodbury, Minnesota are Ready to Help!

In US cities like Woodbury, Minnesota, it is common for people to drive their cars every day. Whether it’s driving to and from work, taking the kids to school, or running errands, the last thing we want to happen is a car accident. They are usually far from our minds, but with how common collisions are, perhaps they shouldn’t be.

Serious car accidents happen every day in Woodbury, Minnesota, and across the US. Some of the incidents leave the victims with a few bruises, but others can leave a driver dealing with severe injuries.

If you have been injured in a Woodbury car accident due to someone else’s negligence, speak with an experienced Minnesota personal injury lawyer.

Why Choose Sand Law to Represent Your Woodbury Car Accident Claim?

The compassionate and experienced Woodbury car accident lawyers at Sand Law have a reputation for handling Minnesota car accident cases with care, compassion, and zeal. We are willing to do whatever it takes to get our client’s proper compensation and will not settle simply out of convenience.

Insurance companies know that Sand Law has a reputation for strong client advocacy; because of this, they often present us with higher offers and are reluctant to meet us in open court. This long-established reputation benefits our clients with higher settlements and a more stress-free experience.

Insurance May Not be Enough for Your Car Accident Injury

Most people assume that after a car accident, their insurance company will handle their claim with their best interest in mind. After all, this is why you have insurance, right?

But the thing is, insurance companies are in business to make a profit. They are not on your side, and you are not in good hands. The bottom line is the most important thing to them. Because of this, insurance companies, even your own, often trick people into giving statements, signing acceptance letters, or doing anything they can to reduce what they have to pay out.

After a car accident, all your expenses will not be covered. They may fix your car, but you will also need to worry about how you will pay for medical bills, missed work, future medical appointments, life changes, pain and suffering, etc.

If an insurance company, yours or the other driver’s, is willing to pay some of the above expenses, they are probably lowballing those numbers and possibly flat-out denying other parts of the claim. This is why contacting an experienced Woodbury car accident attorney is so important after you are involved in an auto accident.

Common Woodbury Car Accident Injuries

Some car accident victims are lucky and walk away from the incident with little or no injuries, while others suffer from severe and often debilitating injuries. These injuries can change a person’s life, sometimes for years and sometimes for life.

Some of the most common Woodbury car accident injuries include:

  • Whiplash — Whiplash is a common car accident injury caused by the rapid back-and-forth motion caused by car accidents.
  • Scrapes and Cuts — Broken glass, bent metal, and more can cause scrapes and cuts.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries — A Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is caused by a strike to the head. They can be penetrating or non-penetrating. Common TBIs include concussions, coup-contrecoup injuries, and diffuse axonal injuries.
  • Broken Bones — Broken bones are very common in car accidents, especially in the legs and arms.
  • Internal Bleeding — Internal bleeding is a common and dangerous injury, especially because it can be so difficult to identify without a medical examination.
  • Back Pain — Back pain can be devastating, making it difficult to walk and causing chronic pain down the road.
  • Neck DamageNeck injuries (like whiplash) are common after a car accident because of how fast the head snaps back around when a car is struck.
  • Knee Trauma — Knees can smack against the dashboard or side doors. A knee injury can lead to long-term pain and discomfort.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder — Car accidents can cause more than just physical damage. Many car accident victims develop a fear of driving and a stress response to being in vehicles.

How Sand Law Can Help with Your Woodbury Auto Accident

Woodbury car accidents are often caused by negligence or complete disregard for others’ safety from the other driver. They may have been driving while distracted or drunk, driving recklessly or carelessly, or simply disobeying the speed limit.

The negligent driver may have been texting, talking on their phone, or scrolling social media. The list is endless, but unfortunately, media or technology-related incidents are becoming one of the most common causes.

Once a negligent driver injures your or your loved ones, an array of medical, legal, financial, and logistical problems begin. Don’t handle these issues alone. Let the auto accident lawyers at Sand Law take care of the legal complications so you can focus on your family and your recovery.

Sand Law is Experienced in Many Types of Car Accidents

The Woodbury car accident lawyers at Sand Law LLC have the experience and resources you would expect from a top Minnesota personal injury law firm. Our personal injury attorneys have the knowledge and skills to properly represent you and your interests, whether it’s in negotiations, pre-trial, or in a courtroom.

Sand Law handles all car accident-related injuries and incidents, including:

Avoiding Woodbury Car Accident Injuries

While you can’t control other drivers’ behavior, there are a few ways that you can reduce your risk of being involved in a Minnesota car crash.

  • First of all, seatbelts save lives. Always wear one, no matter what.
  • Also, follow the speed limit. A few seconds meant nothing in the grand scheme of things.
  • Avoid distractions while driving. The text can wait, and nobody has posted anything interesting to Facebook since 2012.
  • Keep your car and tires and working condition, including lights, brakes, and tire tread.
  • Drive like the other drivers around you are dangerous. Because they are.

If you or a loved one do get injured in a Woodbury car crash, you can protect your ability to recover compensation by promptly pursuing medical care.

Seek Medical Treatment Immediately After Your Woodbury Auto Accident

After a Woodbury car accident, seek medical treatment as soon as you can. Even if you feel fine, it is best to have a doctor check you over so that a hidden injury is not waiting to wreck your life at a later date. Sometimes, it takes time for injuries to be noticeable. It is quite possible to be seriously injured in a car accident and not realize it.

To be clear, get a doctor’s opinion right away, no matter what. This doctor’s visit also helps document your injuries so that your personal injury attorney can later build a better case for you. If you wait 3 days to get treatment and it turns out you have a herniated disc, it won’t matter how bad it hurts, the opposing council will still use this delay to deny the severity of your injury.

Recovering Your Woodbury Car Accident Damages

By filing a car accident lawsuit, you can recover both economic and non-economic damages. Economic car accident damages include losses with an attached monetary value, and non-economic damages are more abstract.

Economic damages include:

  • Medical bills for things like ambulance rides, surgery costs, prescriptions, and more
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning capacity

Non-economic damages include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of consortium
  • Permanent injury or disability
  • Disfigurement or scarring

In the case of death, a loved one can claim wrongful death damages such as funeral and burial costs.

Contact a Woodbury Car Accident Lawyer

The car accident lawyers at Sand Law have office locations in St Paul, White Bear Lake, and Woodbury. We are conveniently located to meet you for a free consultation with a top-rated car accident attorney. Send us a message online or call 651-291-SAND (651-291-7263) today. There is no fee unless we obtain compensation for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do after a car accident? 

In the aftermath of a Woodbury car accident, your first priority should be your safety and health, seeking medical attention by calling 911 if your injuries are severe should take precedence before attempting to help anyone else.  If you are uninjured or if your injuries allow, you should next try to help anyone else injured by the auto accident. Exchange information like driver’s licenses, insurance, and contact information.

It is critical that you do not admit fault after your Minnesota car accident. Keep what you say to the point and to a minimum. Do not apologize because that can be considered accepting fault later on when filing a personal injury claim and can hurt your case.

Take photos and video of the accident scene if possible for evidence later on. Always follow up with your physician even if you do not feel symptoms. Notify your insurance of the accident and contact a Woodbury car accident lawyer as soon as you can.

Can I still file a Woodbury car accident claim if I was partially at fault?

Minnesota uses comparative negligence which means you can still file a car accident claim even if you were partially at fault. However, comparative negligence uses a percentage rule where the compensation possible is limited by the percent of fault you are found to have contributed.

In Minnesota, you can only file a personal injury claim if you contributed 50% fault or less with the compensation you get reduced by the percentage fault you contributed. So if you contributed 20% of the fault because you were eating a sandwich while driving while the other driver was drunk then your total settlement would end up reduced by 20% from $10,000 to $8,000.

How much does a Woodbury car accident lawyer cost?

Hiring a car accident lawyer does not require large down payments or hourly fees. Your car accident lawyer will work for a contingency fee that will consist of a percentage of the settlement they get for you.

In most cases, this percentage will be 33% but can fluctuate depending on the case. This means if your Woodbury car accident attorney fails to get you compensation then they don’t get paid providing an incentive for them to attain you the best settlement possible.


7650 Currell Blvd Suite 3140
Woodbury, MN 55125